Alpha Media Holdings

Motor Insurance savings in a post Covid-19 world

TICHAONA CHIHAMBAKWE is is where you are in the office some days and others working from home. In this case you can be using your vehicle more often or you may have a car pooling arrangement.

COVID 19 has had an immeasurable effect on companies and individuals alike across Zimbabwe. One of the areas that have been affected is work patterns from complete remote working, hybrid scenarios and traditional work set-up.

is has also affected the way people commute to work and the frequency of going to work with various options like the use of individual cars, car-pooling and use of local uber-like alternatives.

In such an environment, it is important that you choose the correct type of motor insurance that gives adequate cover, reflects your current circumstances and is affordable.

Below we consider the various motor insurance options available to you based on the type of work circumstances that you have:

Complete remote working

If you are working completely from home and only using your vehicle for the occasional trip to the shops or weekend outing, then consider getting a mileage based comprehensive insurance cover.

is is a cheaper alternative and there are various local options available.

In cases where you have more than one vehicle and the others are rarely being used, you may consider getting a Full ird Party Fire and eft cover for such vehicles.

Hybrid working

e mileage based insurance could still be an option if you don’t work too far from home. However, if you work too far from home, switching to the regular comprehensive cover but asking for a higher excess/deductible can get you good coverage for a cheaper cost.

When you are car-pooling, just ensure that you check with your insurance broker if your policy allows you to use your vehicle, especially where there is a named driver cover.

Traditional working

Where you are still going to work in the traditional pre-Covid-19 manner, consider getting a conventional comprehensive insurance cover.

However, use an insurance broker who can be able to get the lowest premiums for the best coverage available.

e main things to consider are to ensure that your policy has adequate cover for liabilities to third party property, bodily injury or even death that you may cause in addition to cover for the vehicle itself. Other extensions on the policy should also be adequate.

Also look for discounts that insurance companies may offer from time to time based on prior claims experience to get lower premiums.

e world has changed and so has motor insurance. We anticipate that more options and new motor insurance products will come onto the local market scene as 2021 progresses and into 2022 as we also catch up with international developments.

Talk to your insurance broker or insurance company today about the options that could make your motor insurance cheaper.





Alpha Media Group