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BY TEMBA MUNSAKA —Zambezi Valley Enclave — A collection of protest pieces

The undulations where my people strut alone, Porous they bleed at every aperture, cadavers of dreamers they have become, in pursuit of sustenance, if only, to just ll belliesfor those with patents to rule over us, have abdicated their dutiesenablers AWOL in contemporary society, presumed captured by oligopolies!

There is a place between the rocks, where we used to pick mushroomsit grew liberally up the slope, but now, demitted gods are MIA. Our weepers are devoid of life, sunken to shield despair.

Yesteryear is remembered with nostalgic fondness, when a penny for obtuse was all that mattered. The mighty lake shrinks at every election, cutting o livelihood to the Tonga people Even Nyaminyami recoils,

Irked without pretense, to roll his eyes before moseying away deep, for centuries he roamed the white waters, ambling on the blue deep, as locals bene ted from his benevolence

Electoral choice is death, negation to the fringes of development, but then, emancipation doesn’t come cheap!

Like a short gun muzzle blast, anger reverberates across the escarpments, the echoes alone ensnareconstrued as a rebellion in the corridors of corrupted power

Elephants are sold for coinage, other species poached, to deny the locals jerked meat

Once upon a time, the hinterlands were infested with the game, today’s children have never seen a porcupine, let alone witness polyandry in animals!

Hicksville, they call us, an unsophisticated people, our life, our decisions, They forget that, the ballot reigns supreme!

Poems | Arts




Alpha Media Group