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Public speaking: Mastering your personal power

⬤Jonah Nyoni is an author, speaker, and leadership trainer. He can be contacted on Twitter @jonahnyoni. WhatsApp: +263 772 581 918

put on so much weight. Instead of speaking and pausing artistically, they pant and heave sighs.

Have a good body odour

Make sure you have a good bath before you stand in front of people. You are the centre of attraction and most people would love to greet you after your speech. This is what I experience all the time. Wear an expensive good smelling perfume. The perfume should be in moderation and not too strong.

Engage a coach

As a speaker, have a great coach or mentor who will guide and counsel you. That person is there to constantly check on the very small things that matter, such as pronunciation and enunciation of words, your speed, rhythm, rhyme, tone, grammar rules, expression, eye contact, your vocal power, pitch, pose, your gestures and so forth.





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